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An Invitation to “At the Nativity”

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. From the darkness, He brought light. Out of the void, He designed the universe. In His image, He formed Man. And God walked with Man in the cool of the evening.

Then, evil crept into the garden in the guise of truth, separating the creation from the Creator. But God would not abandon mankind. A Redeemer would come – a Savior to crush the serpent’s head. The promise of the Messiah was repeated by the prophets. Each male child that was born in Jewish families raised the question – Could this be the One? Time passed and no Redeemer came.

When fulfillment did come, the birth took place with little notice. Despite prophecy, few recognized His coming. No fanfare in the courts of Jerusalem, no proclamations from the Sanhedrin. The only witnesses were a young woman, her husband, a Bethlehem innkeeper and some local shepherds. Despite the angelic announcement to the shepherds, the child’s beginnings were humble.

And yet, the Nativity gave voice to His mission. He came not for the mighty but the lowly, for the common, for everyman. This beginning would be echoed throughout His ministry and His message.

And so, we look to the Nativity and to those who witnessed it. Who were these people? What did they bring to this moment in time that would change mankind forever? Why did God choose them?

We invite you to join us as we consider the creation of the Nativity, the miracle of God incarnate.

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