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An Invitation to Scripted - The Power of the Word

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

If ever there was a scripture that could be used as a mantra, this is it. How often have I repeated it to myself in times of fear, hurt or uncertainty. I even had a metallic copy of it attached to my filing cabinet in my office at school where students might see it as well. The “Trust in the Lord” part was not difficult and, in that, I felt I acknowledged Him. “Leaning not on my own understanding” - perhaps not so easy. It is often difficult to give up control. It magnifies the meaning of trust and requires that we put that faith in action.

In some translations of the Bible, the last line of the verse reads “and He will make your path straight.” While this might be a correct explanation of the passage, inferring that the path would be correct, in modern vernacular it could imply easy. As Christians, we have never been promised an easy path. But we are assured of God guidance along the way.

This summer, we will be looking at "power scriptures” – verses that encourage, comfort and strengthen us. Devotions written by women in the church of different ages and backgrounds will share passages that, while written ages ago, still hold direction for Christians today. Please join us for “Scripted – The Power of the Word.”

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