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An Invitation to “Voices from the Psalms”

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.

Psalm 23:1-3

Often, when we think of the Psalms, green pastures and still waters come to mind. The twenty-third Psalm is by far the most familiar of all chapters in Psalms and probably ranks high in recognition throughout the entire Bible. But not all psalms resonate with bucolic images from the heart of the Shepherd king.

A psalm is an intimate communication between an individual and God. It is, in general, an expression of praise. But the psalms of the Old Testament vary in perspective and in purpose. Writers may praise God or cry out in despair. Some sing words of thanksgiving, others seek guidance, protection, relief, or forgiveness. All reveal the need for God.

We can identify with the words of the psalmists. Our lives, like theirs, take unexpected turns. In the next few weeks, we will examine four voices in the Psalms, each expressing different needs and motivation, words spoken from the soul…perhaps echoes from our own.

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