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  • Writer's pictureCrossfire

At the Nativity

And they came running and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby in the manger.

Think back on that first night - tucked into a stable, the young mother and the protective husband. Wrapped in cloths that perhaps she had brought with her to Bethlehem, her baby was cradled in her arms, shielded from the night chill. How can we understand her feelings as she looked into that tiny face and knew that she was seeing the face of God incarnate? Perhaps it was then that the reality of what was happening became apparent. She had lived through the months of pregnancy, carrying the baby that was the promised Messiah. And now the child was born – her child, but not. Joseph looked down on her with love and amazement and wondered if he was up to the task of guiding the child as He grew into manhood, knowing he did not face this responsibility alone. Nearby, the shepherds knelt silently. How could they have been invited to be a part of this! The memory of the angels’ announcement still echoed in their minds – A Savior Who is Christ the Lord.

This was the Nativity. The night of miracles, the fulfillment of prophecy given long ago. God, Who had walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, would walk again along the paths of Judea, the love of the Creator personified. And we, who come to the Nativity so many years later, can still understand the importance of commitment. Let our hearts be willing and our character strong. May we understand the importance of a readiness to serve and, like the shepherds, share this wonder wherever we go.

Unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And the government shall be upon His shoulders. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Jesus.

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