We have been asked to participate in a once a year welcome to incoming students at Emory University. On August 20th, new students on campus will be greeted with homemade cookies and an introduction to Campus Christian Fellowship, Bread.
You can help with this outreach by baking a recipe of your favorite cookies and packaging them three to a small sandwich bag. (Because of the common allergy to peanut butter, we might want to avoid those yummy cookies.) Bring your cookies to the church by August 18 and we will see that they are a part of this great cookie give-away! It’s surprising how something so small as a friendly gesture like this can help to connect people with those who love the Lord.
Crossfire Women’s Ministry also provides cookies once a month to the Bread ministries at Emory Atlanta and Emory Oxford. If you are interested in joining this group, please email Marilyn Fifield at mefifield@gmail.com and she will give you the details!
Jesus took a young boy’s five loaves and two fishes and fed a multitude. Imagine what He can do with our cookies at Emory!
Bread Coffeehouse exists to create thriving, inclusive communities for college students who change their world with love as they become followers of Christ.