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And here we go...another year to start make resolutions…a clean slate for our hopes and dreams...

For some, success, for others, the same place we were in last year.

May I propose this:

This year, let's focus on our walk in this world with Jesus! Make Him the #1 priority for 2023! No matter the successes or failures we experience this year, we can be sure of the hope we have in Christ for all things...good or bad, hits and misses. Putting Him first will sustain us! "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:8

There is a tiny town on the backside of the island of Maui called Hana. "The road to Hana" is a huge tourist attraction. It is a beautiful scenic drive with gorgeous, up-high mountain and ocean views, waterfalls, lush green rainforests with all sorts of foliage, flowers, and bamboo growing everywhere. Garden of Eden, if you can imagine. The road itself is filled with sharp turns, corners, uphill climbs, no guardrails, and - here's the kicker- it's a one-lane road with 2 opposite lanes of traffic. Very tricky and nerve-wracking if you are the driver. It takes a full day to complete the drive. However, once you stop and pull over to view the scenery around you, it is awe-inspiring, relaxing, peaceful, and amazing.

Life is just like that. Full of twists and turns and unexpected sharp curves. If we take the time to stop, pull over, and spend priority time with Jesus, the road isn’t so scary and we can keep moving forward into whatever 2023 brings!

"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Without His resurrection POWER, we would have no hope for life change (or resolutions). When we desire change, we have the perfect example to follow - Jesus Christ, the perfect guidebook - the Bible, and the perfect companion - His Spirit.

Life can and will be beautiful and also challenging. This year, as you travel down your own "Road to Hana," stay focused on the one guiding us: Christ.

HAPPY NEW YEAR and Happy New Beginnings!

"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” II Corinthians 5:17
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