Jesus crossed the Lake of Galilee and a great crowd followed him because they had seen the signs he gave in his dealing with the sick. But Jesus went up the hillside and sat down with his disciples. And, raising his eyes and seeing the great crowd on their way toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where can we buy food for these people to eat?” (He said this to test Philip because he himself knew what he would do.)
“Twenty pounds worth of bread would not be enough for them,” Philip replied, “even if they had only a little each.”
Then Andrew, Simon’s brother, put in, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and a couple of fish, but what’s the good of that for such a crowd?”
Then Jesus said, Get the people to sit down.”
John 6:1-10
We are beginning the fifth year of the Crossfire blog next Sunday. We pray that, as Jesus blessed the gift of the young boy to feed the five thousand, so He will bless our writers and readers that we may be nourished and grow in our understanding of His will in our lives.
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