I have become absolutely convinced that neither death nor life, nor messenger from heaven nor monarch of earth, neither what happens today nor what may happen tomorrow, neither power from on high nor a power from below, not anything else in God’s whole world can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
Jesus once told a story of a young man who asked for his inheritance, then left his father’s house to live as he pleased. Foolish decisions and bad companions combined to foster his ruin. When, in despair, he decides to return home and accept a servant’s position, he finds his father watching for him. It is not happenstance that the Father “sees him coming.” He has never given up on his son’s return.
The verses from Romans 8 parallel the parable of the prodigal son. The Father’s love remains constant, waiting for the return of the lost. One might read this passage and conclude that man’s salvation is assured in the hands of an all-loving God. But while nothing external can separate us from God’s love, our realization of that love and redemption is pivotal on choices we make.
It was God’s intention that none should perish - that all would enjoy eternal life. He testified to this in the Garden and fulfilled His promise with the death and resurrection of Jesus. “God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son.” (Jesus, John 3:16) Jesus was the love of God personified. Salvation, then, is dependent on belief in the Son. God has left that option in the hands of each person.
And so, individually we stand at the crossroads, determining our own fate. As strange as it may seem, it is often easier to follow our own path of destruction than to trust in the power of the love of God. We fear stepping out on the precipice of faith and instead are content to continue making our own decisions. Paul explained explicitly what cannot separate us from God’s love and yet, like those who heard the preaching of Noah and watched the building of the ark, we still choose to turn away, blind to the gathering storm clouds that spell our doom.
But, like the prodigal, we have a choice. The Father is waiting for our homecoming.
Father, You know my heart, You understand my fears and pain. You are never more than a word away from my rescue. Why would I ever question such love? Give me understanding of Your will and courage to follow. Let me be Yours and serve as You would have me serve. Let my name be written in Your book of life, not because of what I have done but because of who You are. Without You, I am nothing. But with You, I have everything.
A special thanks to the women who contributed to "Scripted - The Power of the Word." We look forward to sharing the introduction to our upcoming series, "Conversations with God - the Prayers of Jesus" next week.