Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Matthew 6:9
When Moses stood before the burning bush on Mount Horeb, he asked for God’s name. The answer was probably not what he expected. “ I am that I am.” The phrase would come to mean absolute power to the Children of Israel - the God of salvation. Jesus would later identify with these words when He explains, “I am the Door, I am the Good Shepherd, I am the Way.”
The Old Testament abounds with names referring to God. El Shaddai - Lord God Almighty, El Elyon - The Most High God, Adonai - Lord and Master, Jehovah Raah - The Lord is My Shepherd, El Olam - the Everlasting God, Jehovah Shalom - The Lord of Peace. Each name reminds us of the Omnipotence of Almighty God and His presence in answer to our prayers.
But in the frivolity that is our culture, we have forgotten to honor the name of God. Used to show surprise, emphasis and humor, it is thoughtlessly scattered throughout general conversation. And yet, reverence for the Name is demanded in the Decalogue, the ten commandments that form the heart of the Law, spoken by the voice of God. (Exodus 20:1-17)
The first three commandments outline the responsibilities of God’s chosen people in understanding who God is. Not the graven, man made images of Egyptian culture, but the all powerful, all knowing God of their ancestors. The first commandment establishes the unity of God - I am the Lord Your God - No other gods in place of Me. The second addresses the spirituality of God - No images or manmade things should receive loyalty and obedience. The third demands respect for the Name of God. God will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name, the commandment vows.
Jesus knew how important it was to be constantly aware of Who God is. And so His teaching prayer includes a declaration of the holiness of the name - the One Who walked in the cool of the Garden, Who wrestled with Jacob, led the Isralietes out of bondage in Egypt,destroyed the walls of Jericho, saved three men from a fiery furnace. God, Who spoke from the mountaintop and established the law. Hisis the name shouted by the multitudes around the heavenly throne - “The Lord God Almighty reigns.”
And yet, Jesus taught His disciples to begin their prayers with the endearing term Father. Our Father, Jesus reminded them, Who never forgets or abandons, Who is refuge to the lost and alone. Whose name is holy.
It is the Name we cry in the night, when despair and doubt cloud our confidence. It is the Name we shout in moments of triumph when His presence has given us the victory. It is the Name we whisper in the depths of fear and uncertainty. Jehovah God, our Deliverer, our source of strength and understanding. Father, Who sent His Son to bring us into His Holy family.
And so we pray - Hallowed be Thy Name.