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  • Writer's pictureCrossfire


Jesus sought those who needed His touch – the least of these - those who were difficult to love, those who were loveless, those who needed love. The sinners, the deniers, the betrayers. He came for the weak as well as the strong, for those who knew they needed Him and those who didn’t have a clue. He said come to me, and I will give you rest. Bring your troubles and I will give you vision. Bring your burdens and I will give you release. Bring all that is wrong in your life and I will give you comfort and direction. If you have seen me, He told Thomas, you have seen the Father because everything I do reflects the Father’s love.

So, go. Go into the fields. See the power of our collective efforts on behalf of our King. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. We, who know the beauty of God’s salvation, who experience the joy of life in His presence, who share in the brotherhood of Christ – we are called to tell the story of redemption. We must become vessels of God’s unending love. We are the givers, the caretakers, the seekers. Because this is how we worship. This is how we value the inclusion in God’s family. The songs, the prayers are validations that lift us up but it is not until we stoop to feed the lambs that we understand the Father’s love.


Join us October 23 at 7PM for A Women’s Night of Worship – Becoming Vessels

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Thank you! Always a great influence and inspiration!!😊

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