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Women of the Bible Wrap-up

Our series, Women of the Bible, has only scratched the surface of the impact of women throughout the scripture. Consider Lot’s wife – the woman who looked back, Rachael and Leah – the competitive wives, Tamar – a woman of justice, Ruth the faithful daughter-in-law, Esther – the courageous queen, Mary and Martha – friends of Jesus, Mary Magdalene – witness to the resurrection. And this doesn’t even include the “villains” like Potiphar’s wife, Delilah, Jezebel and Salome. We encourage you to continue to search the scriptures for these accounts which help us understand the power of God’s love and the certainty of His judgment.

Perhaps these stories make up a composite of womankind – her strengths and weaknesses. Created to be a companion for man, woman’s role expanded as God challenged her with opportunities and circumstances. But her identity is fulfilled when, by belonging to Christ, there is “neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female. (Galatians 3:28). She, like man, is an heir to the Kingdom.

Special thanks to the writers of WOTB: Marilyn Fifield, Tracy McCullough, Becky Chapman, Jennifer Trudgen, Emily Zehner, Claudette Durham, Rana Wilson, Grace Miller, Amy Jones, Shauna Miller

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